Hey there,
Okay so here's a REAL entry. CHURCH WAS AWESOME TONIGHT!!! The Holy Spirit was TOTALLY moving---so much so that Pastor Linda actually felt His presence asking her to STOP teaching her Bible study and do somethign out of the norm for Wed Bible studies. He asked her to minister to those who needed it...and boy did we EVER need to be ministered to!!! When it was my turn, the Holy Spirit just took over everything! Pastor Linda was holding my hand, and she, through the Holy Spirit was able to see EVERYTHING that had been happening...and what was SECRETLY in my heart (for God searches our hearts!), what was SECRETLY in my heart was FEAR...I won't go inot what the fear was all about because it's a SUPER LONG story which you don't need to know the details of, HOWEVER, what a WORD the Holy Spirit had for me tonight!!!!
First of all, the Holy Spirit spoke the Word of God to me...FOR GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US A SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF POWER, and of LOVE, AND OF A SOUND MIND! And the word LOVE was emphasized to me...and then it was pointed out to me that I had been a little afraid of some of the things that had been happeneing recently, and I didn't feel very powerful. BUT through the power of Christ, I do have POWER...and I have AUTHORITY given to me by Christ to TAKE BACK TERRITORY that the stupid devil has stolen from us!
THEN...after that, another cool thing...it was said to me, through the Holy Spirit, that I have drawn a line in the sand and taken my stand on the Word of God (Praise God!) and that the devil is now on the run...he's trying to push back the line, but I've taken my position in Christ :) WOOHOOO!!! That was a WONDERFUL thing to hear from the Holy Spirit...VERY encouraging!!!
Tonight was just amazing :) God has blessed us with everything recently, and it's just WONDERFUL! Even on Sunday- we were blessed to have more people joining us, and one of those people came back tonight :) God is moving in our nation, and the Holy Spirit is just WAITING for us to invite Him in to work WONDERFUL things in our lives...
Get ready :)
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