Saturday, July 7

Things I Now must Think About....

Hi everyone :) I have been reading a WONDERFUL book that I'd recommend to ANYONE who is looking to constantly improve their Christian walk. It is called "The 10 Dumbest Things Christians Do" by Mark Atterberry. I was blessed to find it at the library, and out of pure curiosity, decided to see what it was all about.

As I started reading this book, I was very pleased to see that not only is it a very easy read but it also challenges the readers to examine their Christian walk. I suppose that is the reason for this post. I wanted to bring my readers attention to something that I was convicted about yesterday while reading this book. I was not aware of the problem of this until reading this book, BUT God is wonderful to speak to me through Christiam literature.

Okay, I think that where I was most convicted (so far) was on the 2nd dumbest thing that Christians do. According to Atteberry, the second dumbest thing a Christian can do is win a person to the church rather than to Christ. And, on first looking at this chapter, i was tempted to say "okay, but that doesn't apply to me..." I could not have been more wrong.

If you know me, then you know that recently things have been transforming in my life at a VERY rapid rate. I am not the same Kristi that I was even a few months ago...and it's GREAT!!! And you see, none of these changes began until I started attending PHCC...however, I was convicted that I have been giving credit in all the wrong places.

Yes, MIRACULOUS changes have been occurring in my husband and I's lives...yes, we are FINALLY getting out of debt and stepping into the blessings that God has for us, and yes on SOOO many other levels!!! However, this is NOT...repeat NOT because of PHCC...PHCC is simply the VESSEL that GOd has used to bless our lives.

GOD has done all this work in our lives, and HE ALONE deserves the credit. My recent fault was putting too much credit in the church instead of giving ALL CREDIT to Christ! Now please don't get me wrong, I have never been more happy in a church than I am right now. However, GOD is the one who brought me here...God heard the desires of my heart, and He brought me to a place where He could begin to shape my life :)

From reading this book, I was reminded of my former church life where I had a lot of questions and very few answers. My husband and I became expert church hoppers and were looking for perfection in a box that came shaped in the size of a church. After 3 years of not finding that, it became frustrating, and I really wondered what all the hype about God was. But THANKFULLY, my God heard my cries---and He brought Erik and I to where we are now.

We are now BLESSED beyond ANYTHING we could have ever expected in a church that feeds us spiritually and helps us find answers for ourselves. It also challenges us to strive for a more Christ-like life DAILY. It's AMAZING, and we are blessed to be there. HOWEVER, let it be said right now and forevermore...THIS IS GOD'S CHURCH...and a church is simply a vessel that God uses to minister to His people. BUT WE ARE THE CHURCH!!!

Each one of us, we are the house of God's Holy temple. His wonderful Holy Spirit lives inside us...what a blessing and a privelege! Mainly, I just wanted to go back and give credit where credit is due. None of the changes which my husband and I are now (happily) living in would be possible without CHRIST!!!

Anyway, if you want to be challenged in your walk, and you enjoy reading (or even if you don't enjoy reading), I seriously encourage you to read this book by Atteberry.

Have a very blessed evening!

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