Wednesday, January 16

Long time, no write

Well, good morning to all of my blog viewers. I apologize for the long absence since writing last, but LOTS of things have been happening. God is, as always, doing MIGHTY things in my life and the lives of those around me, and as I continue going through my days, i'm beginning to see a "big picture."

Do you remember some time back that I was upset for not making the musical "guys and dolls?" I now know why. The dates that performance is going on are the EXACT dates that there is a prophetic conference going on. I choose to go to the prophetic conference :) And it was like a lightbulb went on in my head telling me to just LOOK because now i see a bigger picture.

God is also working in provision. There are some AWESOME plans in the works for next school year, and I'm thrilled about the potential there. God has placed a vision in my heart, and I'm just really ready for what next year will bring. I hate to live in the future when i'm in the now, but MAN, getting a vision for your life just helps a lot!!!

I've also been blessed in the area of tutoring students. Just this morning, I now have the opportunity to work with students BEFORE school :) That's awesome because it means that i have 5 extra days where I get PAID to do what I love to do!!! Until today, i had only been tutoring AFTER school for 2 days a week. Now i'll be tutoring before AND after school...what's waking up a little earlier??

Anyway, it all amounts to I am blessed. I am just blessed.

ANd God is doing awesome things at the church too! We're all growing, and it must be working because satan is just trying to attack us all around. I won't give up! I wont be discouraged. If God is for me, then who can stand against me???

Well that's all for now :)

I'll try to write more later.

Oh, and by the way, i'm taking my special education certification test tomorrow.

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