Sunday, July 27

My Time to praise God

We make our plans...God laughs at them. I don't THINK that's scriptural (couldn't find it this morning...if it is please give me its address) But regardless, i believe in this case it's true. I had made some plans (a whole life of plans) and they weren't even in the direction God was taking my life...

To catch everyone up, if you're not around me...i was working at a school, Barton, and had almost been promised ALL YEAR that i'd have this special ed resource math position at the school for the next school year...and I was counting on it! They had me take 2 new certification tests, and my whole year was built around staying at this school.

While at Barton, the Holy Spirit just FILLED my heart with a vision about the school, how I was to teach these kids...what would be happening in my classroom...WONDERFUL vision! So I held onto it with gratitude as I waited for the all important "interview"...

Well...for the first time in my LIFE...the interview wasn't so great. I don't think it was any lack on my part because I had Christ in me, and I spoke things according to how God had given me the vision. But somewhere in that interview, my principal heard that i said i was afraid of the children...that part could not be any FURTHER from the truth!!!

I was really upset about it (knowing what he heard), so I called and sought counsel from my pastor...who told me that satan can cause people to hear other things than what we say to them...when I asked him what to do about the vision that God had placed on my heart, he challenged me to think about whether the vision was truly for Barton or whether God gave it to me for another school.

As I was driving to go babysit, I was praying to God to heal my see, my heart was truly truly hurting---how could I not have something that i've just counted on for SOOOO LONG??? And why, why God would I have to go through job hunting again??? Where would I go? In everything, I trusted Him to heal my heart and to provide answers. Very quickly after that prayer, as I was allowing God to come enter in the situation and fill me with His peace??? I got a phone call from Lockhart asking if I wanted to come in on Wednesday for an interview at the junior high for a math position (you have to know my heart on math---i LOVE teaching it!!!)...

There you go, God was answering the cries of my heart!!! He sent me provision...and regardless of whether I got the job or not, I knew that God was providing.

On Tuesday nights, my sister and her family meet with me, and we have "soaking time" listening to just allowing the Holy Spirit to minister to us. We've been doing this for about a month now, and NO TIME has been the same. Anyway, that particular Tuesday night, God ministered to my heart some more...telling me that I hadn't let go of Barton, and that I was actually in BONDAGE to them...I spoke it out loud and later Rissie and Sean prayed over me...concerning my interview the next day.

THat day, Wednesday, I prayed before I went into the interview---I didn't want them to see any of my flesh...all i wanted them to see was Christ in me. And if they didn't like what they saw...then i didn't need to be there. i laugh now because it was one of those times where satan was doing everything in his limited power to cause me to think it wasn't the place for me to be...

The interview started about 30 minutes late (and i have a BIG THING with punctuality!)...but once i got in the room, everything changed...i spoke everything of the vision that God had given me, and realized that MY heartbeat was THEIR heartbeat...that God had placed on my heart the very same vision that He had placed on THEIR hearts...

That in itself is hugely amazing...if i wasn't happy enough? Everything that i had decided about teaching math? That's how THEY teach math (even in having weekly timed tests!!!!) God was so much a part of this interview it wasn't even funny! Toward the end, i realized that my principal is also a preacher's daughter :) HOW COOL IS THAT???

On the day that I was going to sign my contract, I met with my principal...she and I spent an hour just praising God and discussing God's plan for this campus this year---and what a miracle, she told me not to hold back!!! She had seen me speaking prophecy that i'd been told..she saw me giving testimony of how God was working...and she saw my heartbeat was in the MINISTRY that is teaching...and she told me not to hold back!!!

God is so awesome!!! Every part of Him??? Just awesome!!!

I could not be happier...and i hold NO bitterness toward Barton...don't get me wrong, i'm very happy to leave...but I hold NO BITTERNESS toward the principal there for not selecting me for the job...because I know that I am where God wants me to be...and i'm OUT of bondage...into a job where I can freely minister, and I KNOW that these kids lives will be changed and blessed!!! PRAISE GOD! AND HALLELUJAH!!!!

2 1/2 long (very long) years of waiting for a teaching job are so worth it because I know that I've found where I belong...and i'm eager to start :)

I could go on forever on how good God is, but for now, that's a good catch up point for you guys. I'll try to be more faithful in writing, so you can hear my adventures as I launch out into the minstry God has written for my life :)

God bless you all,
Love and hugs,

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